
vintage beauty.

While I am thinking about it, I had to post a photo of this necklace I literally fell in love with after seeing it on Lauren Elise Design's blog. You may be wondering, who is Lauren Elise? Well...it would be my extreme pleasure to tell you.

Lauren is an incredibly beautiful and talented woman who I had the pleasure of meeting on the happiest day of my life...our wedding day! Lauren came along with Eden Photography to help capture our moments that day; and she did so beautifully! It truly was amazing to see her finished work with a different perspective. If you are interested, you can see all of her photographs right here at Lauren Elise Photography. Pst! If you stay on the main page long enough, you just may see D and I in a few photos...!

In addition to her photography, she just so happens to also be an incredible jewelry designer [i wish i had a talent for just one of these things yet alone BOTH!] She is the one who designed this beautiful necklace and I invite you to also check out her other items. You will not be disappointed! Visit Lauren Elise Designs and fall in love for yourself.