
all hallows.

It's hard to believe another weekend has come and gone again in the blink of an eye. Somehow, it always seems to go by so quickly. Despite the speed of the days, I am extremely thankful for a lovely weekend spent at home, cheering on my hubby and my favorite girls and enjoying a goofy little Halloween!

D's game on Saturday unfortunately didn't have the outcome we were hoping for. With 38 fouls called on our team alone and 53 free throw attempts by the other team, let's just say it's hard to come out on top. More film to watch...more practices to endure...and lots of improvement to make...and I have all the faith in the world that the w's will start coming our way. I was able to snap a few photos at the game and happy to report my "action" shots turned out much better than last weekend. I'm hoping to sometime get this added to the MSU Women's Basketball Facebook page eventually...so if you haven't "liked" them on FB yet, head on over and show some love!

We didn't do anything crazy for Halloween, but I was excited beyond belief to actually have trick-or-treaters this year! D and I got "ready" before it got dark so we could be prepared for anyone who came to knock on our door. I used to spend so much time decorating with my Mom for Halloween that it has become second nature. In fact, she has passed on the Halloween tote full of goodies to me so we could make our apartment a bit more festive. Buried deep in the tote [I am exaggerating] were a couple of masks that bring back fond memories for me from growing up. If I had a penny for every time my brother used one of these to scare the crap out of me...well...let's just say he did it a lot.

Anyway, we anxiously listened for car doors and voices outside [even opening the window despite the cool weather just so we could hear better!] and finally we got a little traffic! I have to admit, I was disappointed in the lack of costumes but was still happy to hand out candy to those who came. Here's a little sneak peak of what you would have seen had you come knockin' on our door...

Can you guess who's who?!

A man and his pet gorilla...

Not so creepy without the masks!


The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

Hi Sheena! Thanks for stopping by our blog so we could get to know you a little bit. I love your Halloween costumes! They are so creative!

MrsDan said...

Ah! I remember those masks!! And the rest of your scary basement.... ;)