
i heart dave barnes.

While I spent one of the best summers of my life interning in Nashville, my boss C introduced me to an artist she knew I would instantly fall in love with. She was right. I instantly fell in love the moment I heard the first melodic sound. Dave Barnes. *sigh*

I still remember sitting in the passenger seat of her car as we drove out of the big city on our way to her hometown in southern Illinois. I remember almost every moment of that summer, but having C take me home with her meant more than she could ever possibly know. It felt so easy with everyone, almost too easy, so when I first heard this soothing voice coming from her speakers, it was hard to stop listening. He instantly became my favorite artist of all time, even above Rascal Flatts [boy is that a whole other story...or twelve...].

I hadn't heard anything new from DB for quite some time so imagine my utter joy today when I found out he not only had a new album I hadn't heard many songs from but he also has a new Christmas album! With the snow falling and quickly turning our fall into winter, it seemed like the perfect discovery of the moment. And my heart was instantly happy; filled with his voice and overall sound. Needless to say, both of these albums are on my wish list. Now if only I had an mp3 player to download them to...hmmm...I just may have to find myself a good Black Friday deal.

Click on either of the photos below and you can listen to DB for yourself. I linked to one song from each album which thus far, are my favorites. Invite DB into your library of musical loveliness and swoon along with me.