
boots = love

So after finishing my last post, I checked my email for approximately the 63rd time today. To my surprise [not really] I had a couple email blasts I hadn't seen yet, one of which was from Nike. Now because of my fanaticism with free samples and coupons, I have found myself receiving TONS of email. But the stuff I really take the time to read comes right to my gmail account, which is where the Nike emails just so happen to land. Although I choose not to buy regular priced Nike clothing or shoes [or anything else regular price, for that matter], these winter boots were too cute to resist posting. They come with a rather hefty price tag but perhaps an end-of-the-season-super-duper-clearance will emerge in June and they just may make the $15-or-less rule I tend to stick to with purchases. Who knows! But if you aren't as 'frugal' as me, perhaps you'd like to add these to your Christmas Wish List. These are my two favorites:

These beauties appear to be very warm,
but I'm not sure they can handle a true
MN/ND winter. You can find them here.

These are cute as a button if you ask me!
They come in black or brown - check them out.


The Marshalls said...

I've now become a "follower" of your blog. I, too, have a blog. It hasn't been written in for a while but need to.

LOVE the boots and wouldn't mind getting a pair myself. But, I'm a cheapskate and will just wait until they go on sale!