

As some of you know (ahem, Tig), I subscribe to a daily email type thing called Daily Candy. If you live in a larger city (Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, New York City, etc.) you should definitely sign up and even if you don't, it's fun to see the daily updates. There is information about health and beauty, fashion, weather, weekend guides for what to do and of course fashion. Call it the inner "fashion major" in me, but I love getting updates on new designers, retail strategies, etc. Okay, okay, all this does have some kind of tie to the wedding. Believe it or not.

A few days ago, I opened my Daily Candy and read an introduction about the founder of Nettleton Hollow...

"The name Nettleton Hollow comes from a valley in Litchfield County, Connecticut, through which the founder's family drove their cows home from the summer pastures to one of the last dairy farms in the area. "

Seeing as how I am from Litchfield, Minnesota, I of course took upon this as a sign and clicked to the website. Lo and behold my inspiration! Branches and grasses and foliage, oh my! This creator has managed to capture the true essence of nature in an artificial product. After browsing through craft store after craft store, allowing my thoughts to wander and collectively put together a collage of images and ideas for the wedding, I realized how true his words were about not finding true natural items like this in a store.

Pure. Beautiful. Natural. Everything I want our wedding to be.


Unknown said...

SHEENS! Today's blog gave me body goose bumps so intense everyone in the room could feel them.
Your wedding planning is going to come so effortlessly to you because it is exactly what you and Dave are made up of;
Pure. Beautiful. Natural.