

If you sit down and have a conversation with my Mom about what I was like as a child, she may tell you that I hated when she brushed/braided/touched my hair because I thought she pulled "too hard"; or maybe she would tell you that I was obsessed with mimicking my brother's every move; but most certainly, I am sure, my Mom would tell you that I was absolutely in love with dolphins.

I'm not sure when it started or even how. As much as I hate to admit it, it could possibly have come from my mild addiction to Baywatch. I can't lie to you, I still know every word to the theme song and if you don't believe me, just ask me to pop in my soundtrack the next time you are in my car. You are in for a treat. In any case, I found a special place in my heart for dolphins and animals of all kinds.

That is why the video I stumbled across this morning hit me so hard. I understand we live in a society with HUGE issues; healthcare, budget and spending, the economy; international relations; just to name a few. But for me, those things always seem out of my hands. I live my life, day to day, as we all should. After awhile, at least in my case, you begin to feel as though you can do more. You can do more than wake up, go to work and come home at the end of the day. I can do more. And this video made me realize that.

A documentary film will be released at the end of the month that although I don't want to watch, I know I can't not watch it.

I invite you to visit the following link and watch the trailer for yourself.

Perhaps it will make you think about just what you can do. On the other hand, maybe it won't. All I really hope is that it makes you think.


MrsDan said...

oh my gosh, it's because your mom WAS pulling too hard! I think I still have stretch marks on my scalp from her doing my hair!