
life as usual.

I'm not sure if anyone else is counting the days, but Dave and I have officially been Mr. and Mrs. now for 39 days! Although we don't have a lot of candid photos, looking back all still feels like a dream. Good thing we have the marriage license to prove it really did happen!

I don't have a lot to update on quite yet. We haven't found any larger apartments in our price range. With Dave having to drive back and forth to Mayville every day, finding something a bit further "north" was what we had originally planned on but that hasn't amounted to much of anything either. Which leads me to my new slogan: take life one day at a time. They always say not to live in the future, or the past and to focus on the present but that's so much easier said than done. Fingers crossed that something comes our way!

Photos will be coming very, very soon. If only I didn't have the need to crop and edit photos - it would be much less time-consuming! But, that's the perfectionist in me. I guess you will just have to wait like we are.

Stay tuned (I mean it this time)!