

Without further ado...allow me to introduce you to our dear fish pals. The first photo is of our three fish all together. You may wonder why in the last post we only had two fish and now we suddenly have three. It's a good question but it can be explained relatively quickly. We bought another one. 

Crush, Belle and Meeko (respectively)

 Crush (dominant male) and Belle peeking in the back

Fair Belle (fertile female)

Crush and Belle are both creamsicle lyretail mollies, although you can see that Crush has a much more vibrant orange hue and Belle is more subdued and yellowish. Their tails are what set them apart from other mollies (and Meeko) as the lyretail looks like a giant "C" that seemingly floats and glides through the water. These two are often inseparable, although that's not for lack of trying on Belle's behalf. Crush is quite the brute and since he is the only male in the tank, tends to chase the females every second of every day.

Sweet Meeko (peace keeper)

Meeko was our latest addition and is a beautiful silver molly. Although we wanted another lyretail, we arrived at the pet store only ten minutes before close and didn't have the heart to ask the guy to fish out a different molly after struggling for what seemed like forever to get Meeko into the container. So although you could say we didn't really want Meeko in the beginning, she has quickly become one of our favorites due to her curious behavior and quick wit. She is definitely a keeper, although her tail isn't the "fairest" of them all.

These three together keep things very interesting in our household; as I am sure you will soon find out.