Since I inadvertently decided to take a hiatus from the blog for the month of December [where did it go?!] I had to get one additional post in before it officially became 2011.
In light of the big blizzard of 2010 which has kept us bundled up inside the past few days, I did some thinking about the new year and the resolutions that tend to go with it. At the turn of the calendar year in the past I have decided to lose weight, exercise or drop ten pounds [see a trend, by any chance?]
The most memorable of these was during my freshman year at NDSU when my good friend Lynnette and I decided we would get up every morning and make the trek across campus from our dorm room to work out at 5:30am. Naturally, as freshmen in college, we had class at 8am every day [calculus, of all things] so we needed to work out, walk back, shower and get ready before heading to class. Every morning after we got back from break, Lynnette would come down to my room and we would manage to drag ourselves [through every warm building we could find] over to work out and then come back. After a short time, sleep got the best of us. Getting up at 5:30am when you go to bed at 12:30am or later, well, let's just say, it didn't work out for us.
So this year, since we are starting off a new decade, I decided to give myself 11 goals to accomplish in 2011. Some are short-term and others are long-term, but this seemed to be more meaningful and appropriate going forward...and also ties in with a little something I will be doing for my birthday as well, so keep reading for the next few months if you want to find out what that is. So without further adieu, here's wishing you a safe and cozy New Year full of life, love and happiness!
11 Goals for 2011
1. Use less water and electricity
2. Floss my teeth every day
3. Leave the computer in my bag when I get home from work
4. Create a budget
5. Put more money in savings [hoping to increase this by 50% or more]
6. Eat breakfast [along WITH my coffee]
7. Go to bed earlier
8. Organize the guest bedroom closet
9. Donate/Support to Save Japan Dolphins
10. Start a Bible study with Jeff and Sarah
11. Be content :)
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